Sunday, November 13, 2011

First Images

I have always been a lover of photography, but never before have I truly analyzed a scene for the value it might have as a photograph. I just got my first DSLR camera, and have been learning a lot about the nuances of truly great photography from one of my professional photographer friends and from an amazing man named Chase Jarvis.

Anyways, this is a picture that I am truly proud of, taken with my little Fujifilm point-and-shoot, and not edited at all. The color gradient in the sky turned out nearly perfectly.
(All images copyright me, 2011)

Carry on, now.

The beginning of an experiment

No one will probably ever read this posting, but I feel that in this era of internet connectivity, there is an impersonal touch to it. You interact with computers from far away, but in many cases you never really know about the person.

I am starting this as an experiment in seeing how people react to the simple thoughts of an Engineering student and a photographer and a creative thinker and an athlete.

I may not post often, and I may not post much, but what I do post I promise will be from my heart and mind.