They are basically the two coolest people in the world, and their wedding was pretty awesome. I think it was probably only my third wedding that I have ever been to.
Anyways, while they did have a professional photographer there, they asked everyone to take pictures with their personal cameras and email them to them afterwards, so it's fortunate that I brought my D7000 (plus my two prime lenses) with me to the reception. I unfortunately only brought my 35mm lens to the actual ceremony. Oh well, it's fine. I took way more pictures during the reception.
Here are a few pictures from the ceremony:
Fun random collage of pictures, here.

I took quite a few more pictures at the reception, though. The Professional Photographer left about halfway through, but there were still some things that were fairly significant that they should have gotten.
Here's a few (or more than a few) shots from the reception:
Cutting the Cake First Dance

Father Daughter dance and Mother Son dance
Artsy shot
I am very proud of these few shots, while they were dancing.
The last picture before they headed out.
I had an awesome time, and I figured out a lot about my photography style, too.
Congratulation to Blake and Amy!
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