Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Museum of Art

So, like I said earlier, I am going to do a post just about the Denver Art Museum. More specifically, many of these shots that I will show came from the Denver Museum of Modern Art.

Here's a link to their site:
Denver Art Museum

Anyways, There was a ton of really cool, really photogenic stuff in there, and I was quite surprised that they let me take pictures in there, especially with my DSLR. I was primarily using my 50mm f/1.8 lens on my D3100, which got some pretty good shots especially since in some of the rooms the lighting situation wasn't ideal.

Now on to the pictures:

This is the front of the Museum of Modern Art. They told us that there were no right angles in this entire building save the elevator shafts. Pretty intense, if you ask me. That large, almost castle-esque building in the back is connected and part of the Old art museum (which now focus' on traditional art).
Inside, just the building itself was pretty much a work of art. Lots of interesting sculptures everywhere.

Above is the view up into the building from the bottom of the first floor staircase. I think this was taken with my 50mm lens, so it is a bit more "zoomed in" than it could have been ,but the picture that I took with my 18-88 kit lens didn't turn out nearly as well.

From the outside, on the balcony.

Back inside. I felt that this was a really interesting art piece. I'm not sure what the point was, but I guess that's how it is with all modern art these days.

Another very colorful piece. It makes my eyes hurt if I stare at it too long. Even more so when I look at the high resolution version.

Another ... thing... yeah...
This was basically made out of lots of pieces of scrap tin or something like that. Really interesting pattern, I must say.
Interestingly painted picture.

Now moving on to the Traditional part. There were a few cool things, but not really anything that no one has seen before, so I'm just going to include a couple and call it good.
 Blue vases. That is all
 This was made of bamboo fibers. I really like the light pattern that it gives off.
 I really liked this quote that was on the wall in the old museum. IT seems fitting.
I did also manage to find a picture of the atrium from the bottom that I took with my kit lens at the 18mm focal length:

 And that is basically all of my thoughts regarding it. I though that it was a really great place ( but I love museums) and would definitely recommend going there if you need something to do in Denver.

And with that, I think that I'll sign off for now.



TV: Family Guy, Game of Thrones
Movie: nada
Game: Minecraft
Food: PB&J
Music: Gotye, The National

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