So that is where I went this last weekend with a few people. We drove up there on Saturday morning (left here at about 9am or so) to get there by about 3:30 after dropping off stuff at the place where we were going to stay Saturday night.
We found a great parking spot that only cost us $10 (as opposed to like $30 for any parking in Chicago), and I got these shots on our way to the gate.
(note, all of these pictures were either taken with my point-and-shoot or my phone)
These are both of the Milwaukee Art Museum, which I went to last year before I went to Summerfest. If you are ever in Milwaukee, I would definitely recommend it, its awesome.
Walked to the gate, went in, paid the exorbitantly awesome price of $16, and just wandered around for a while. Got some food. etc. Watched some random bands which I shall detail herein:
Band 1: Machines are people Too.
I actually thought that they did pretty well, considering that the main singer looked like he was about 40 with the creeper mustache. It was actually a pretty nice band, all in all. It had a very alternative style without being too hipster.
Band 2: I don't remember the name of this one. Oh well.
Band 3: Abigail Grey
The main singer was from Scotland, which is always awesome. As well, the band used a violin and a trumpet, instead of just drums and guitars and keyboards.
Band 3: Mars Argo
Basically trying to be Evanescence. Didn't work. 'Nuff said.
Band 4: Fresh Cut Collective.
These guys were ALL OVER THE PLACE. They had singers and rappers and dancers and keyboard players and even an Indian/Arab guy rapping. Though some of their songs got really annoying after a little bit, they were genuine entertainers, and that is a good thing.
I figure that I should include a few pictures I took while we were wandering.
Lets see, am I leaving anything out....
Oh yeah!
Tickets for $16.00. Pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, like a fool, I only brought one battery for my point and shoot, so my battery died like right as they started, so I had to resort to trying to get anything with my phone...
But I won't subject you to that because they turned out... just awful... Ok, I might do another quick post with a few from that once I hook my phone up to my computer, but just not now.
Now It is almost the 4th of July! I'll be taking some pictures during the fireworks show tomorrow, and probably posting those the day after.
So that's all for now.
TV: Chopped
Movie: Ted
Music: well, you can probably guess...
Game: Castle Crashers
Food: Not nearly enough.
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