On Christmas Day my family and I drove 3 1/2 hours south east to Fowler Colorado to see some family. I realized that it has been a long time since I have been down there when it was actually green, and the crops in the fields were tall. (It is a big farming community, if you hadn't already guessed.)
While we were down there, there is a tradition called the "Cousins Walk" where all of the cousins (obviously) go on a walk around the farm trails. It was ridiculously cold (probably around 9 degrees Fahrenheit) so I decided to bring along my D600, to see how it handled the extreme cold.
I couldn't be happier, as it handled it like a champ! No slowing down of the card, no super fast battery drain, the back LCD even worked great!
Here are a few of my pictures from that very cold walk:
I like how you can see all of the snow sort of shimmering in these two images (though it is harder to see in the upper one). I used a Tiffen 0.9 (3 stop) Neutral Density filter for the whole walk, to that I could have a bit slower shutter speeds than 1/2000.

And here is my brother looking like a boss without a hat at what I could guess was about a 0 degree windchill. Also he is wearing his 3d glasses that we got from seeing "The Hobbit, an Unexpected Journey."
Now that is enough from a few days ago, now I'll say something from today. I went out for a half hour or so walk with my D600 and my tripod, hoping to try some more stuff with my ND filter. So I went back over to the place with the little bridge that I posted pictures of a couple posts again just to see what I could get.
I could pull about a 1/3rd of a second shutter speed through my ND filter, so still not super slow, but enough to get the water flow. It would help if I went back later in the day when there was less light.

Movie: Les Mis
Game: Castle Crashers on PC
Music: The Heist by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
Food: Panda Express