That's right, Christmas!
First order of business I would like to compare my Christmas eve/day post from last year (2011) to this post that I am writing. this is mostly academic for myself, as I want to see how far my photography has come since then. I will probably do a side-by-side comparison of similar pictures that I took this year (which I did on purpose should I chose to do a comparison).
However, from looking over what I posted last year, it seems to be fairly similar at least in feel. The technical aspects, however, are quite different. First off, this year I have a FULL FRAME DSLR with high quality glass, as opposed to an APS-C crop-sensor entry level camera with a kit lens. I am pretty much where I wanted to end off, with a Full Frame sensor, so I couldn't be happier.
All of these pictures, then, were taken with my lovely D600.
So we had our traditional Christmas Eve service, like usual. I focused more on the details with my camera, so an not to be to distracting to others.
Let's start off with our Christmas Tree. This picture below is my parents tree, which because of the High Park Fire, they finally broke down and got an artificial tree.
Here are a few detail shots in the sanctuary, and a few that I took during hte candle-lit portion of the service. Always one of my favorite parts.

Once we got home, but before dinner, my brother felt like doing his "firewire" thing again, so I got one good shot of that.
Then we had a nice steak dinner, very similar to last year, and now I am sitting here writing this, so I should end this pretty soon.
Now, to end things off, this may be one of the best pictures that I have taken since I started getting more serious about photography. My personal opinion, yes, but I really like the composition and lighting.
TV: Iron Chef America
Movie: LotR
Music: The National, Macklemore
Game: Castle Crashers on PC
Food: Steak!
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