Monday, January 16, 2012

The scope of Engineering

Well, a new semester has started, and that means getting used to all the new classrooms that I have to go to, and remembering all of the stuff that I have learned in the bast 2 1/2 years that all applies to the classes that I am taking now. Engineering is like that.

That, though, is one of the things that I love about it. It has a real sense of coherency throughout the field, because everything is interconnected. Mechanisms builds on Mechanics, which builds on Dynamics, which builds on Statics, which builds off of Physics, which builds off of Calculus, which builds off of Algebra, which builds off of Mathematics. Its like I'm climbing a mountain of knowledge, and I'm actually getting pretty close to the top now.

All of my classes this semester seem pretty interesting. Heat Transfer, which I'm sure will be the hardest, is necessary for basically anything in Mechanical Engineering, from engines to power generation. Everything is basically the movement of heat and energy.

I have an assignment for my Mechanisms class to go out somewhere on campus and to find an example of a mechanism. Looking around has really opened my eyes to how much engineering there is around me. I was aware of it, of course, but it made me look even more into the little things. Someone designed the little pneumatic door stop thing on all doors, they probably put many many hours into its design and development and testing and finally production, and now we all never think about it at all. Its just a given on many doors. And I think that's something that Engineers want. For their products to improve peoples lives. I will never meet the person who designed almost all of the things that I use every day, but I owe so much to these people.

That's why I want to be an Engineer. I want to create things that I might not be thanked for, but that I know will help people.


TV: Family Guy
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Music: Thirteen Senses
Game: Skyrim
Food: Cereal

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