As usual, I will start with the best few images, since that is under the project definition.
This one above is the most literal interpretation, at least from what I understood of the assignment, of the concepts of "Modernism." Strong lines created by an object and shadows and other things. As well, I feel that the dog footprints create some sense of movement through the frame. However, I don't like it at all. It doesn't speak to me whatsoever.
This next one I like quite a bit more. I love the depth of field that I was able to get around the window.

This final one was more of an experiment in the technical aspects of my camera. This was at ISO 1600, with a shutter speed of 1/4000, in order to capture the falling drops. But I feel that it could actually work for an assignment such as this, with the lines in the background.

I also took a couple portraits that I found out could be considered "Modern"

And now, of course, the obligatory image dump.

Thanks for watching. I'll probably have a couple more pictures on here before too long.
EDIT: More pictures!
This one takes on an almost 3D look. I wonder what it would look like if I had taken it with a D800...
The colors in this one are crazy-go-nuts. As well as the bokeh.
These shots almost look tilt-shifted to me, at least a little bit.
Fake HDR for the win!
This one is probably the most "bokehliscious" (to use the DigitalREV term) shot out of the bunch
After going through these pictures on my much larger, higher resolution Desktop monitors, I have come to the conclusion that I am absolutely in love with my new 85mm lens. The Depth of field is phenomenal, as well as the quality of the bokeh! I was using a 3 stop ND filter for most of these images, and the just turned out to me amazingly sharp, with a depth of field that isn't possible without an ND filter. Some of the images look almost unreal because of said depth. If any of you are looking for an awesome walkabout or portrait lens, I highly recommend an 85mm.
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