Monday, May 21, 2012

And now I am not homeless anymore!

Now I finally have a place with my own room, i.e. I am moved into my summer housing now! So I am feeling a bit more confident about the summer now.

I haven't updated in a while because at the house that I have been staying at for the past 5 days didn't have an internet connection. But now I do, so I can.

That being said, I start work full time tomorrow. Woo hoo, working from 7:00 am until 3:30 pm. 8 hour day, so I'll be making about 90-100 dollars a day, which is much better than the 67 or so that I made last summer. So that'll be great for having a little extra spending money this summer. I am kind of excited, but kind of nervous about actually starting to work full time for a real company, not just my university. I want to succeed, and I will work towards that (especially because I have to re-make the money I spent on my D7000.) I hope that this job will be a good stepping stone up to a better engineering job after I graduate.

Speaking of graduating, now that this years seniors have graduated, I am now officially a Senior in College! IT seems odd to me, like seems usual when something has to do with time. As I have said I still feel like I should be in high school or elementary school. I don't know. Where I am right now feels real, and I have a lot of good memories from this time in my life, but it doesn't seem right yet. I am almost out there on my own, just one more year before I am thrown into the real world. But it doesn't seem right.

Anyways, I bought my 3rd copy of Sins of a Solar Empire yesterday. I works on max graphics even on my netbook! I bought it on steam because it was half off, and my other copies were installed with discs, but my netbook doesn't have a disc drive. It is still one of my favorite games, and the sequel is coming out soon! Yay!

Now I am kind of moving stuff around in my room, getting it set up for when I get a desk and a real bed thing. Im probably going to have my brother's TV in my room so I can play Xbox in there, but I could have it in the back room with the other 2 TVs in the house. And I can have it with my Gamecube. Best thing ever.

I got a few pictures lately, but I haven't really gotten my camera out, since I have been in limbo.

So I've only really a couple good pictures recently:

Little ugly baby bird. But it was kind of cute.

Well, that's all I've got. Until Next time,


TV: Game of Thrones
Movie: Limitless
Music: Gotye, The National
Game: Sins of a Solar Empire
Food: Burger King... ugh...

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