Sunday, December 18, 2011


Lost of stuff happened today.

First off, woke up to Snow in Valparaiso. First real-feeling snow of the year, with big fluffly snowflakes. IT was pretty awesome.
Here's a shot from my window, taken at around 8:00 am.

However, had to drive in it to Chicago, which was a little slick, but nothing too bad, I imagine, from the passengers seat.
Then got to walk around Chicago for a few hours, admiring the scenery and architecture of the US's 3rd largest city. Here's a couple examples, taken with my Fujifilm Point and Shoot since I didn't want to take my dslr with me.

We also went to this place called "ChristKringlemart" or someplace, which was basically a big christmas market where you could get a ton of German-inspired and even German made christmas stuff.

However, I didn't feel like taking any pictures, so here's some pigeons warming up near the eternal flame in Chicago. It made me laugh.

Then after that was all done I got some new art supplies from a store called "Blick" on State Street. A new .3mm mechanical pencil and some lead, plus erasers and an engineers scale. So those will come in handy.

That was our last stop in Chicago, and then we made our way back to Midway Airport. I said goodbye to my girlfriend and we headed for security. Because I had so much stuff in my bag (Laptop, cameras, harddrives, DS) the TSA people made me re-send my stuff through the xray machine all separate. IT was interesting.

Of course we got to the airport early, by about 3 1/2 hours or so. So I got to hang out near my gate and play some minecraft. Just built a little courtyard around my main house on my netbooks world (since I'm away from my Desktop for 3 whole weeks.) Not much else than that.

Uneventful Plane ride during which my brother and I watched "How to Train your Dragon" on my netbook. Great movie, I definitely recommend it to everyone.

And now I am at home! First time since the end of May, and its really good to be home! As I'm sitting here on the couch in the basement one of the kitties came up and laid next to me. Here's Comet. Purring away.

And that has been my day, Probably going to bed soon, as travelling usually makes one quite tired.



TV: Top Gear
Movie: How to Train your Dragon
Music: Still Sigur Ros
Food: Qdoba

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