Thursday, December 29, 2011

Its getting late...

Since I haven't posted anything in a while, I figured that I could at least say something.

So the weirdest thing happened tonight. My brother and I went to see the new Mission Impossible movie, and when we went into the movie theater it was maybe around 35-40 degrees our or so (Fahrenheit), and when we got out it was 54 Degrees! I was kind of eerie, even, to me. Plus the wind was blowing in the wrong direction (it always blows west to east out of the mountains. It was blowing east to west outside the theater.)

Anyways, the movie was pretty good. Tom Cruise, to me, never seems like a spy- type of character. The other actors/actresses in the movie played their roles quite well, but Tom Cruise is just... I don't know.
I did like how much of it took place in Dubai, even though some of the stunts undertaken were unbelievable. But that's part of the charm of those types of movies. It just makes it fun to watch! If you like action movies, I would go see it. I always go into movies expecting them to be bad, so I am usually pleasantly surprised! I actually enjoyed this one, much more than the last Mission Impossible.

Finally Beat Castle Crashers on Insane mode today, with my brother and friends help. Man, what a ride. There were level that literally took us 40 minutes that on normal mode take us maybe 5. Intense. But its done now, and I am proud of our accomplishment. I literally got a sense of achievement when we finished off the final boss fight.

Other than that not much is going on. Cheers, all. I am going to bed.


TV: Top Gear
Movie: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Music: Coldplay
Game: Bastion/ Castle Crashers
Food: good food.

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